Riots! Arrests! Chaos! Sounds like a prison break or something, doesn't it? Fortunately, all the prisoners are still locked up, but sadly, these words are being used to describe the scene in London over the past few days leading up to the Group of 20 (or G-20 for short) summit. It brings together leaders from twenty countries with the largest and strongest economies in the world. The topic of discussion?...How to solve the global financial crisis. Many of the protestors there decided not to get out of hand and express their beliefs in a peaceful manner (I guess these people would rather not receive a truncheon blow to the face). I can only imagine the crazyness that is going to ensue tomorrow, when the G-20 summit officially starts up.
President Obama today held a press conference with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in attempts to gain support from the international community for his plan to stimulate the economy. He stated that the United States may no longer be able to support the world economy, and called upon other nations to revive growth in their home markets to compensate for US losses. While this was going on, the French and the Germans held a press conference of their own, with French President Nicholas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel calling for stronger global economic regulations that could reach inside the United States. While they did not blame the United States directly for the global financial crisis, both eluded to the fact that "the crisis didn't actually spontaneously erupt in Europe."
Meeting Queen Elizabeth and giving her an Ipod (what was he thinking?) may be all fine and dandy, but President Obama needs to think long and hard about how he is going to convince the international community that his stimulus package will work. If he doesn't come up with some answers soon, expect more criticism and snide remarks coming from the French side.
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