Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fox News...Fair and Balanced? Sean Hannity Doesn't See It That Way

Sean Hannity. Conservatives love him, liberals despise him. No matter how you view Mr. Hannity, there is no denying the fact that he has a popular show that reaches millions of people everyday. With fellow Fox News anchor Bill O'Reilly, they are seen as two of the main right wing voices in America today. While Fox News states that they are "fair and balanced" when covering issues, shows like Hannity's totally contradicts this claim. Hannity is proud to be a conservative and does not hide the fact that he disapproves of the Obama Administration and their policies. He brings guests onto the show that reinforce his views...that liberalism is destroying the country and its values, larger government and taxing will make our economy worse, and that voting in Obama and the Democrats into power was a horrendous choice. While I do not agree with his opinions, people like Sean Hannity do have a purpose in network news. His show can work as a opposing view to shows like MSNBC's Countdown with more liberal-leaning host Keith Olbermann. A description to what I viewed in last night's episode of Hannity is posted below.

In last night's show, Mr. Hannity began with interviewing Dr. James Dobson, who had just recently resigned from Focus on the Family. Mr. Dobson went on to rant about how America is losing the culture war for a good ten-to-fifteen minutes. With the shift in power from the Republicans to the Democrats in our houses of government, morality is being sacrificed in issues like marriage, the unborn, and others. He went on to describe that Obama, although he calls himself a Christian, knows nothing about Christian values. At the end of his segment, Dobson triumphantly acknowledges that the Republicans will regain power and bring back a sense of morality to the country. During the interview, Hannity, of course, has to butt in with some negative comments about Obama (mentioning his ties to Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers-why is he still bringing up things mentioned in the campaign?).

After the Dobson interview, Hannity moves on to criticize the Obama administration some more. He targets Obama's recent nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services
Kathleen Sebelius
. There has been some controversy over the campaign contributions she received while governor from a doctor who provides late term abortions. He is one of the only doctors in the country who provides such abortions. Hannity called it dispicable that Ms. Sebelius, someone who opposes late term abortions, could accept money from a doctor who performs such acts. Finally, before I turned off Hannity due to boredom, he went on to totally bash Al Franken, the Democratic nominee for Senator in Minnesota, who has been in a recount battle for the Senate seat with the incumbent, Republican Norm Coleman. The courts have decided that Franken, after the recount, is ahead by over 300 votes and is officially the winner. Hannity starts this segment titled "liberal translation," where he takes quotes by Franken and translates them into their actual "liberal" context. Then, Hannity goes on to explain how Homeland Security is targeting "right wing" extremists as potential trouble, and that their description of "right wing" extremist is about the same as a regular conservative. Oh Sean Hannity...maybe instead of criticizing the Obama administration and so called "liberals," you should make points about how to improve the Republican party.

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