Monday, March 30, 2009

Pop Singers and Feminism

A recent post on the feminist blog Feministing highlighted the ignorance of some female pop singers and their ideas on feminism. It also talks about how these celebrities could really have an impact since they are so known throughout the world and have huge fan followings. The statement made by Lady Gaga about feminism shows just how much she does not know about the subject. Just mentioning that some feminists are "man haters" just feeds into the stereotypes that feminists want to break away from. I also agree that Katy Perry used her sexual orientation to sell more records, when she could have been using it to make people more aware about GLBTQ issues.

You would think that with all the recognition and fame that these singers have, they would want to use it in a meaningful way. Young women from all over are looking up to these singers, listening to every word that comes out of their mouths, whether in their lyrics or through interviews. If Lady Gaga actually educated herself on the subject of feminism a little bit, she could have a major impact on the lives of women and how they see themselves. Katy Perry could easily be a spokesperson for the GLBTQ community instead of using them for her own personal gain. While their statements make it seem like they are supportive of female empowerment, their celebrity status makes them afraid to stand up for the principles behind feminism (because the media has portrayed feminism and people who are feminists in a bad light). Sorry Lady Gaga, but "just dancing" won't solve all the problems women in society face today.

An interesting video about how men perceive feminism.

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